Know a mom who is constantly on the go? School, ballet, soccer, piano, swimming, scouts, and the grocery store all before dinner, homework and laundry? Most of the time moms meet other moms with whom they want to connect at these different events. Instead of putting down a child, a bag, a lacrosse stick, and a cell phone and rummaging through a purse to find a pen to make a connection - why not use a mommy card? Business people have them, so why not somebody with the "most important job in the world?" (thanks Oprah!)
These cards are a perfect solution and a perfect gift for a mom on the go. They are a quick way to exchange information and connect with other moms who are busy too!
Here are a few examples from Izzy Designs. Remember, all cards are completely customizable!
These cards are a perfect solution and a perfect gift for a mom on the go. They are a quick way to exchange information and connect with other moms who are busy too!
Here are a few examples from Izzy Designs. Remember, all cards are completely customizable!
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